July 21 2022. I got sucked into gamedev in an unhealthy way. Couldn't stop myself to take breaks cause I was just so fixated on figuring out detecting "collisions" so the character wouldnt walk into shit. I have an idea that might work, but I'm not sure I'll try it tomorrow. I'll need some time where I have energy and can afford to use up brain power... or can afford to neglect myself if that bad habit happens again.


July 22 2022. It is 6:30am. It's quiet and peaceful. I enjoy this... to a degree...

I know that it's probably best for me to just sit and enjoy this. It would be wise to save my energy and cognition for when I go over to a friend's house in about an hour or 2. It can be hard to keep up with the guy, and I usually need to take breaks.

While laying in bed relaxing, I was thinking about why it was kinda difficult for me to just lay there and enjoy it. The things I was feeling urges to do would have just made things harder for me with barely any benefit... I think I'm just not content with where my life is at, so I feel like I cant really enjoy peace for long, I usually have an urge that I need to do something to move forward...