August 6th 2022. It 3:30am. I've been watching Log Horizon over the days, Im on season 2 ep 17 or so. I love it, it inspires me and has some cool lessons and stuff that I cant explain well but it got me thinking about my own life.

I think that I want to be able to inspire people to face the struggles of life, like Log Horizon and Chihiro Fujisaki do for me. That would probably mean that i'd have to show people that I'm struggling, and most times I dont like struggling, struggling sucks. But that also makes sense. If it didn't suck and was easy to do, people wouldnt need inspired to face struggle, and I also wouldnt vaule it as much as I do.

In season 2 so far, there are some things that... Idk if I can say this accurately. They're the things that got me inspired or thinging. Some things about what it means to trust people and be trusted, "always be evaluating your opponent. Know what you can do, and know what you cant do so it doesnt surprise you in a fight" (the know what you cant do part specifically). The kinds of support Akatsuki got, I dont have accurate words for how I felt about this either, but it was heartwarming and I feel it helped motivate her and she grew~!

And, this one is more personal cause it moreso involves my daydreams as I laid miserable in bed, but I was thinking about what would help motivate me to face struggle, and... it's something lewd, but I was thinking about getting to touch Tetra's booty after a hard day's work/mission, haha... It kinda made me understand Henrietta a bit more with her thing of wanting to cuddle with Akatsuki, something to help motivate and keep spirits up, and also unwind. It's kinda embarrassing... But it feels like i've learned something, and I can try to figure out an IRL equivalent sometime.