Some more downs happened. Fight with mother and other stresses. Was feeling not competent last night. Btw it July 29 2022 right now, I got busy and lazy which is kinda funny conceptually.

Anyway, last night I was watching a couple youtube vids about tips for homelessness, in case I become homeless before I get my own apartment. One of the last tips of a vid was to "on good days, remember the bad days, and on bad days, remember the good days". It wasnt explained well, but I found it interesting, and I used it.

I was feeling awful in bed, so I remembered a good day, which happened to be when I worked the 26th. I got alot done and things went more-or-less swimmingly. Half of it had to do with fast WiFi, but I had a list of things and I checked them all off at my own pace. :)

So, I decided to do that again, thinking it would be a good way to feel like I'm at least moving forward/getting some things done, and feel at least a little competent. And for today, all I put on was to wash my blanket and sheet, and get some groceries, and I was able to do them. :) I was exhausted afterwards tho.

Hopefully this is something other people could use. For me, I figure to not have it ridgid. Just put a couple things I feel/want to do the next day, and if I feel like doing more, great, if not, that's fine, I still moved forward a little. I also got a little gamedev done, where I click a thing and it shows an image.

I'm feeling like idk what to do currently, but it's basically the weekend, so I can just try to relax if I can. I've also been watching Log Horizon and it has been keeping me going. I'm on episode 20 of the first season currently.