July 25 2022, 3:30pm. Today has been crap so far, but I'm trying to manage. Eye problems when I woke up, had trouble sleeping, got notified that I'm 44 on waiting list for a 1 bedroom appartment, have an itchy rash on my back that I got to deal with. Tomorrow I have work, and day after that I have a dentist appointment. I assume my stress will be through the roof. Thankfully I have some time for myself since mother is out with a friend of her's, but things are still gonna be a struggle overall.


July 26. It 6am. I only got a couple hours of sleep, and I have to work today. It's gonna be pretty busy, but I feel good. Mostly cause some gamedev went great.

Instead of having one area detector in the front of the player and have it change positions when the character turns, I put detectors on all 4 sides that don't change position. They tell the player that they cant move in a certain direction if something is in the way, and boi! It seems to work simply and easily~

Also I seen the Log Horizon opening again and that got me hyped lol.

Work actually went pretty well, I'll kinda talk about it in the next entry