August 10th 2022. 1:40am I finished Log Horizon season 3. Idk if I should say much about it. I enjoyed it, tho would kinda want more, definitely some great moments I enjoyed. Anyway, I should try to get a little sleep.

I didnt get a little sleep. :/ Work went ok, was able to download some youtube vids on WiFi. I also asked about if subsidized housing places have a certain quality standard that all of them are forced to have, but the answer I got was basically "they should, but some do it more than others. Some companies in charge of the places are just in it for money" so that concerns me when it comes to trying for other sudsidized housing. The place I'm already on the waiting list for is one of the good ones, and makes me even more grateful how I get to live here now with mother.

The consistent sleep thing is kind of going downhill. I slept after I got home from work, and later woke up and had to immediately eat and then immediately do some chores, which is almost never fun when that happens, it feels like I have no control. After eating food and taking trash out, I laid down to kind of rest a bit, and I ended up falling asleep again. Now I'm up at 3:30am. It just really feels like shit is out of control and has my fucking nerves on edge...

When it comes to my consistent sleep plans/efforts... I feel like they aren't leading anywhere, tho I can recognize that my timing is kind of shit. I picked a time where it has been hard to do. It would probably be easier to do next week, but I just feel a bit defeated and stressed...

Tbh, I don't know what to do, other than dishes cause they need done, and I have to turn in my work time sheet sometime later today. And again, even after a break from writing this to eat something and watch a couple vids I downloaded... I still feel like things are out of my control and I'm stressed and easily irritable. I dont have a plan for what to do next, and frankly, I feel like that's for the best right now. Anymore things not going how I want is just gonna lead to more frustration, and my stress staying at levels that I cant manage well. I'm probably just gonna have to suck up my chores, rest when I can, and mourn.