Still August 9th 2022. I went to bed close to 12am again (really throws me off that after 12am is 1am and not 1pm, you know?), but this time I'm up at 4am, so only got 4 hours of sleep. Not sure if I'll go back to sleep since it's only 4 hours and I want a more consistent timeframe of between 8am and 12pm, but tomorrow I will have to be up by 5am anyway, which 4am is close enough.

I decided to use this time to kind of "prepare" for today I guess. I'm going to hopefully do that daily list thing like I believe I mentioned before. For some reason I just completely forgot about it until therapy... But yeah, I want today to be somewhat productive. I kinda just want to restrict myself to 2 things today and then use the rest of my time to try and prioritize my well-being, see if I can indeed space some things out to where I can be as consistently happier throughout the day and not be impulsive to need the highest amount of enjoyment for the longest amount of time :/

6:22pm. At first, today was kind of ok. Good even. Lots of happiness from Log Horizon episodes, and trying to manage chores and ger some things done. Then at a point, my body felt like crap and I ended up taking a 4 hour nap. After I was woken up, today since then has been mostly chaos and stress from it. I'm currently laying down to try and recover, as well as trying to hide from it...

10:30pm. Took nap. Feel like crap emotionally. Have to be up at 5am for work around 8-9 tomorrow... Things seemed to have calmed down, but it's still hard for me to calm down and not be on edge. Of course, being up during the night would help, but not help how tired i'd be at work. :/