August 8th 2022. Well, I wasnt able to sleep. I did some crying about how painful life is in general, then watched a couple vids about whether life is worth the pain (there was a ted talk about chronic pain which I thought was pretty informative about resistance), then I thought about some rping I do with a friend and stuff and got giddy about Chihiro Fujisaki.

I was watching Log Horizon. Was going to watch another ep, but figured I needed to clean a pan I was suppose to earlier, so I mourned the rush to go do that and hopefully have the ep9 as something to look forward to. Now it 9am and I'm about to watch it. Yeah I'm most likely not getting any sleep until after therapy.

August 9th 2022. Yesterday I went to sleep after therapy, both went kind of ok. Started on season 3 of Log Horizon, and I gotta say, that opening theme is a banger! Also, I kind of figure that I have some small things I can be happy or at least giddy about. Thinking about Chihiro kinda helps, and I'm kinda enjoying the fesling of being cozy in bed, so maybe I can leverage those things and spread them out so that I can have those as little motivational and fun rewards for after doing not-so-fun chores and talking care of myself, as long as I'm not interrupted too much.