August 7th 2022. I really need to take care of myself better. Been having eye problems lately from being on screens too much. I think that having a kind of consistant sleep schedule would help, but right now... I'm worried and I feel lost.

I have so many thoughts on my mind. I cant possibly write them all down without problems. I'm staring at a screen to write this, and I should try to sleep now if I want to try for an ok sleep schedule. Any failure, and it just feels like I dont know what I'm doing, which is probably true...

The consistent sleep thing would probably be helpful for my body and energy. It would probably be best for me to go from 12pm to 12am, or even 8am to 12am, with 4 hours before bed as a timeframe to do before-bed routines like brushing teeth. If I can brush my teeth consistently for about 2 weeks or more, my gingivitis would be cured, so I'm told from a dentist, that would still probably be hard for me to do.

There's... Nothing that will perfectly fit, I think. My eye problems seem to stem from being on screens too much, and just like today, if it bad enough, I just go back to sleep to heal more. Idk how much harder that would be on my sleep conistentcy. But also, why have I been on screens alot more? Last night was cause of playing a Pokemon game for too long. At the time, I wanted to feel like I was accomplishing something, but wasn't...

Hopefully, I can log my efforts and results here. We'll see if this gives me hope or despair.

I need to get up at 11am for therapy at 2pm anyway, so I might as well try to sleep despite my sleep today. I'm gonna try to brush teeth before bed too. Even tho I dont feel up to it, if I feel like crap tomorrow morning, I'm gonna blame it on "me slipping". If I feel like crap then, even with doing it, only then will it be more accurate that perhaps my efforts lead to nothing.