It's 2am. I'm not sure of what I want or what to do to fulfill what I'm needing. This journal is just an idea, and attempt. A place where I can put down and process my personal thoughts and feelings, but I also wamt it accessible to those that just... want to know more about me or connect with me more.

I guess dating these would be helpful, so people dont think something from months ago happened yesterday or something. It is July 17th, 2022.

I name this series Tome of Despair because, for one it's me being edgy, but also because these are most likely going to be filled with my depressive thoughts and feelings. Tons of pessimism and cynicism. Also, I struggle to find the words, but I also want this to be a way I can be depressive and talk about shit, without people feeling like I'm asking them for advice or help. I feel like the journal format would be good for that, cause the nature of it isnt to be read by anyone. I want it to feel like people are choosing to take a glimpse inside my head if they read this, and not feel like I'm coming to them with my issues.

I'd try to add more, but my energy is depleting. My ability to continue; laughable. So I guess this is the first one in the Tome.